The best customer is a satisfied customer. That is why we do our best to make our cooperation as comfortable as possible. That is why we are constantly perfecting our company eager to confirm the best quality of our products with every single order, and offering an all-round support for our partners.
Smart Storage
We know perfectly well that we need time to produce large quantities, so the ready-for-delivery meat is stored in specially equipped rooms. They assure freshness of the meat and keep its natural looks and taste. The process of freezing and storage is strictly controlled.
Absolute Control of Packaging
We use different types of packaging: vacuum and individual packaging, cardboard boxes and units. We control the whole process of packaging and offer you such possibility. We photograph empty containers, your products, and full containers; then, we send you these photo reports so that you could see everything for yourself.
Quick and No-Fuss Delivery
We cooperate with such freight giants as Maersk and CMA Group, which assures that your freight will be delivered perfectly safe. These companies transport freights to China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Western Africa. In addition, we own refrigerator trucks that keep a stable temperature of meat during transportation. Thus, you reduce your logistics costs considerably.